Friday, March 27, 2009

Rolling front to back!


Sierra manages to roll over from her tummy to her back!

A video clip of her 5th roll:

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Avid reader and eater in the making...

Sierra takes after Mommy...

and Daddy!

Laughing and squealing

A couple days ago, Dave and I were doing squats while holding Sierra (Dave was holding Sierra, and I was making goofy faces and funny noises at her). She was laughing like crazy! 

Tonight, we captured her happiness while bouncing on video! Notice the high-pitched squealing. We've never heard her squeal like that before...

Monday, March 23, 2009

Grandma and Grandpa come a'visitin'!

March 18-23, 2009

My parents came for a short visit to see little Sierra and how much she's changed in 3 months! 

Sierra was fascinated by Grandma's dumpling making skills

She really enjoyed all of Grandma's silliness. Wow, if you think I'M loud, you should've seen my mom!

Too short of a visit though. :(

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Having a conversation....

Sierra had a busy morning and afternoon strolling all over La Jolla (La Jolla Shores, La Jolla Cove, lunch at Cody's) with Mommy and Daddy. She was telling me ALL about it....

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Signs of Spring!

Our plum tree has 1 blossom (hopefully, there will be more in the future)

The hibiscus are blooming!

Pretty geraniums

Don't know what these are, but they're nicely flowered as well

Grape vines!

Garlic shoots
Our orange tree had 3 blossoms last year... Look at it now!

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Happy 3 Months! Celebrating with some Mirror Dancing

Happy 3 months to Sierra!

Sorry that this video is sideways and jerky (hard to do with one hand on a squirmy bouncing Sierra and the other with the camera)... but have a peek at one of Sierra's most favorite pastimes: playing in front of the mirror! She loves to interact with the baby in the mirror... and here you can see the smiles that are so elusive to catch on camera (she's not a fan of the camera as it is always flashing in her face!)