Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Dancing with Classical Baby

Sierra received the HBO Classical Baby series from our good friend Jenny... She absolutely loves this series, will sit on the couch completely absorbed, sometimes imitating the baby conductor, and always clapping along at the end of each piece.
Here's some clips from her FAVORITE piece (Mambo #5 from the Dance DVD ).

Mesmerized with the beginning of the piece...

So excited (and mesmerized still)!

Eating Breakfast

Sierra stayed home from daycare due to a cold.
Just a long clip of her having breakfast... saying "Hi!" and hugging Baby Bear... feeding Mommy... saying "Uh oh!"...

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Reading with Daddy and Mommy

Ever since starting daycare in late January, Sierra has expressed a much stronger interest in books! She will grab a book, hand it to you, sit on your lap, and expect you to read to her.

She has a burgeoning collection of board books and loves reading them every day.

Here she expects Daddy to read two books at once!

Now, it is her turn to read to Daddy

She also likes reading with Mommy, too

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Good times eating in Las Vegas

A little over 15 months.

Enjoying a stellar meal at the buffet in Paris casino... Sierra thoroughly enjoyed herself!

Baby laughs are the best, no?