Friday, August 20, 2010

Sierra's day off from school

The daycare was closed today due to Staff Development Day. So I got a taste of being a SAHM with Sierra and Aria (Grandma was also home to help out - mainly by watching/holding Aria at times).
Sierra was such a busy bee at home!

Afterwards, we went to the Splash Park, drove downtown to have lunch with Daddy, played some more at home, and Sierra took a 3 hour nap (finally at ~4pm!). During all this, Aria fed a lot and slept a lot (preferably in someone's arms or in the carseat).

Mommy's tired!

Everyone likes the swing...

Yeah, yeah, I know. Sierra is topless. She didn't want to put her shirt on after her bath. Climbed into Aria's (formerly Sierra's) swing, and insisted that I put on Sesame Street for her.

A week later, I capture Aria chillin' on the swing as well.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Blowing a Kiss

Sierra learned this over the past couple of weeks

The things I'll do for a Cheeto...

You know how people like to show off their dog's talents by torturing them with a treat in front of their face as they run through their panoply of tricks?

Check out our Sierra doing the same!

She'll do anything for a Cheeto (in this case), chocolate, candy, french fries, or any other type of junk food you can think of. Oh, and fruit, too. Here's a tidbit of a few of her "tricks".

This was actually the first video we took... she was too excited to speak coherently.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Go, go, go!

This is one of Sierra's favorite toys which she received as a birthday gift from the Borgs (not the ones from Star Trek :P). It converts between a push toy and a ride toy. However, Sierra always wants to push it. If I switch it to ride position, she'll sit on it for a bit, but doesn't really move anywhere. She'd rather get on her knees and push it.

These days, she likes to push her dolls on it.

She recently went through a growth spurt, and I saw her straddling it in push position this week. No converting needed anymore!

Monday, August 09, 2010


Sierra used the Soothie pacifiers on occasion in her first few months. But then she found her thumb at 3 months and there was no turning back!... Well, until she saw us give Aria a pacifier the other day (Aria is not a fan, hope she discovers her thumb more quickly!). Sierra very strongly insisted on having one, too!

Friday, August 06, 2010

So tired, she's delirious!

We dragged Sierra to a late dinner (~8pm) at a local chinese restaurant... Super tired kids can make for entertaining videos.

But I love her laugh in these videos...

Sunday, August 01, 2010

"Hi Aria!"

Sierra amazed us when she showed us she could say "Aria" just a day or so after the baby came home. However, I could never capture it on video! Finally, got a clip...