my other is lauwiliwilinukunuku'oi'oi (for longnosed butterflyfish).
A Tribute to Hawaiian Wildlife
dave and i have a saltwater tank: (some pics in the early stages)

when it comes to tropical creatures, we are the ultimate nerds. yeah, we're the types that start screaming, "oooh triggerfish! oooh humhumu! oooh butterfly fish! oooh lauwiliwilinukunuku'oi'oi! oooh sailfin tangs!" (okay, it's usually me shrieking through my snorkel with dave barely understanding what i'm saying. and when it's something rare, like a cowfish, eel, or turtle, my shrieking gets louder Louder and LOUDER)
and that is why Hawaii is one of our favorite vacation spots!

here's a compilation of pictures we've taken from our last 3 trips to O'ahu (January 2004, March 2005, May 2006). some of our favorite snorkeling spots and creatures we've seen (and managed to capture shots of. not the easiest thing to do when you don't own a waterproof digital camera):
Hanauma Bay - our most favorite spot. it's a MUST if you are visiting...tons and tons of fish (especially big ol' parrotfish crunching at the coral. and you can hear the loud "crunch! crunch!" in the water!) and turtle spottings are pretty common if you go out far enough. i don't have many pictures here and am waiting for my last batch of underwater photos to be developed and scanned...

Waikiki Beach - if you're staying in Waikiki, this is the perfect spot for a quick dip and snorkel. it's within walking distance and free! just go to the pier down towards the Diamond Head end, before the Aquarium, and snorkel on the right side. there aren't tons and tons of fish, but if you're patient, you can see some cool stuff:

humunukunukuapua'a (aka Rectangulated, Reef, or Picasso Triggerfish) - one of my favorite fish. you gotta check out these guys in the wild! they are so much bigger and ROUNDer (like a football!) than those in pet stores.
"State Fish: humuhumunukunukuapua'a. This is still the unofficial State fish, because the Hawaiian State Legislature has never gotten around to making it official. One translation says that the name means (loosely) a fish put together in pieces like a jigsaw puzzle, with a face like a pig. Another rumored reason for the name is that when it is caught and brought out of the water it snorts like a pig. (One of its defensive characteristics is its ability to puff up somewhat, wedging itself between rocks or in coral recesses. When it is brought to the surface, this puffing is released, making the snorting noise.) The word "pua'a" in Hawaiian means "pig". According to this version, the name, humuhumunukunukuapua'a literally means "Fish who comes out of the water and sounds like a pig" - so who knows?"

moray eel - i've seen one once in Waikiki (2005) and once in Hanauma Bay (2006).

moorish idol - this is the scarface guy, Gill, in Finding Nemo. very elegant in the water. one of the most difficult fish to keep in captivity. i think they have a 100% premature death rate, so don't ever buy one from the fish store!!! they will die of starvation!

Shark's Cove up in North Shore is another popular snorkeling spot. however, it is a terrible place to snorkel during the winter season due to large swells and very rough water.
march 2005:

but our last trip this past may was perfect. check out the calm water!
may 2006:

so far, we've had turtle sightings in Waikiki (while surfing 2005) and Hanauma Bay (i saw 2 frolicking, but didn't have a camera). finally, we had a camera and found a green sea turtle that was a total ham:

swimming (flying?):


taking a breath:

up close and personal:

squid - we saw a small school (?) of teeny tiny squid! they were only a couple inches long and here's a picture of 2 of them. can you find the squid?

schools of fish - name the fish...

me in my snorkeling gear (i'm waiting for the other set of pics to add in dave in his gear)

and yes, i did finally find the elusive lauwiliwilinukunuku'oi'oi on this trip. but alas, no pictures. :( but you can think of Tad from Finding Nemo:

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