2006 AL-NYCPUL Champs! (Team Grey)
back row: eric, brant, dan, hunt, aru, eli, ben, tom, joe
front row: charlie, bob, melissa, dai, luke, drew
missing: nnenna, brendan, pete, cyd, josh, jonathan, brooke, sarahOur playoffs were originally scheduled to take place on August 27th. But due to a mishap by the Central Park people, who managed to give out 2 permits to the Dustbowl on that day, one to us and one to
Ellen Degeneres, we were bumped off our field. Yes, no joke. A massive stage had taken over our field the entire weekend in preparation for a taping of the Ellen Degeneres show on Monday featuring Justin Timberlake and Beyonce. Yes, we got bumped because of Ellen, Justin, and Beyonce.... I was tempted to ask friends to show up and throw discs at the stage during the taping...
So playoffs were postponed to September 3rd, Labor Day weekend. We were worried that teams would not be able to field enough people to play, but suprisingly, 4 of 6 teams showed, and they managed to have a good turnout.
In honor of Dai's sparkly skirt and the one she inspired (coerced?) me to make, we all decided to get decked out in sequined material and call ourselves Team Bling for the day....
Eli was very excited to make his skirt.
Brant and Bob sporting their headwear... Tom probably had stuff on his shoes which Dai forced upon anyone that wouldn't voluntarily wear the sequined material.
Squinty Joe (he didn't want to wear anything that would slow him down, but Dai probably attacked his shoes, too), Eli in the skirt you can't see, Eric and his green cape, Dai being Dai, and Ben sporting the shimmering lavender bandanna (and a grey skirt as well! he rocks!).
Luke and Charlie in bandannas as well.... and well, Drew wasn't so shiny that day.
Me with my silvery bandanna and blue skirt, Aru had sparkly ribbons on his shoes...
Sparkleness Galore. I love the hairstlye, Bob. And a better view of Eric's cape and Ben's skirt.
Quarterfinals were Lemon vs Navy (Lemon won by forfeit) and Pink vs Maroon (Pink won easily). Semifinals were Lemon vs Green (Again, Lemon won by forfeit) and Pink vs Grey (Grey won easily). Finals was a very fresh Lemon (with practically their full squad out minus some women) vs Grey, game to 15.
We went to half 8-4 with Grey in the lead. Then we quickly expanded that gap to 11-4. Then... fiasco! My team fell apart with people making numerous unforced errors (people throwing away, me playing terrible and not catching. I'm so embarassed!). The next thing we knew it was 12-11... 12-12... 13-13...
14-14!... Universe point!!! And then..... Whew, we took care of business properly and finished the game 15-14. I think I almost had several panic attacks during that game.
It was a great and spirited game. I love my team and Lemon (granted, many are friends from pick-up which made it much more fun!)... What a great season! And a great finish to my last summer in the City!!
A pull by Dan...
Check out that stack! (and Sinai in the backdrop)
The End.
Ben and Eli strutting in their skirts with Sean. The rest of Grey and Lemon behind them....
Grey with 1st place blue ribbons!
Lemon (with half the team already gone) with their 2nd place red ribbons!
Mike, Nedra, Jay, Craig, Rich, Dan, Apu, Sean, Paul
The great commissioner Cathy then treated us (anyone from the league) to dinner and drinks! Whoo-hoo!.... Some pictures:
Me and Dai... 

She is one CRAZY little girl. I'll miss her when she goes back to school.
Many more pictures from this season here!