Anyone want a hypoallergenic cat? Just pay ~$4,000 for one at
ALLERCA... and there's a waiting list.
(Recent article)A picture of the newest kittens

Huh, note that the kittens will come spayed or neutered. No breeding of hypoallergenic cats outside of the company!!!
How they were made:
I wonder how they picked up on this mutant.... Did someone happen to have a cat that an allergic person didn't react to? My friends claim that my cat is fairly hypoallergenic. We should check out if he has a mutant Fel D1 gene... Hmmmm, and then I can patent my kitty's genes and make tons of money, too!!
Although it seems to me, based on those Western Blots, that the Allerca cats express Fel D1 as well, as well as multiple variants. What are they? Do they function like dominant negatives??
Show me the science!!!Bloggers comment about shadiness of the company
San Diego Tribune article
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