Saturday, February 03, 2007

Heather in California!

Heather was in Irvine the past few days for her interview at the UCI Grad Program. She had a few hours free Saturday afternoon, so I decided to drive up and meet her. My brother had to run a few errands up there, so we decided to go up together and kill a few birds with one stone.

We took her to eat a monstrous Mexican meal at El Torito.

Afterwards, we went to my brother's storage space. Ha ha, and evil me had to take pictures to document his teeny tiny messy storage space.
Here's the whole thing. Ha ha.

During lunch we were discussing pets and small creatures. My brother is thinking of getting some gerbils, but apparently they are illegal in California. So instead, he may get some hamsters. As Heather is the premier pet owner, having owned everything on face of the earth (her mother even let her have a chicken once!), she wanted my brother to buy some hamsters right then and there! She also told us that hamsters aren't always very nice, and she said she was good at judging them (she has a high tolerance for bites). So we went to the neighborhood PetSmart. Ha ha, how funny, Heather goes all the way out to Irvine to go to a pet store!

But it was fun. The hamsters were cute. My brother didn't buy any since that PetSmart was ridiculously expensive. But they sold some rats there and Heather got very excited. Apparently, one of her most favorite animals are rats, so she had to hold one. It was actually very sweet with Heather. She was then going to hold one of the Jumbo Rats they had (and I was going to document it with a picture), but that guy wasn't very keen on being picked up at that moment... so no holding nor picture. But did you know that rats have the mind of a 2 year old? Heather almost convinced my brother to get one... Also, we had the opportunity to hold a $1099.99 bird. It had some weird name that I can't remember, but that bird has the intelligence equivalent to a 3 year old. Sounds high maintenance and trouble to me!

When we left, we were driving behind a car with 2 small dogs sticking their heads out the window. Here's a picture! They look like they wanted to jump out....
With only about an hour left before Heather had to go kiss ass with the Director of the program, my brother took us to Corona del Mar. A beach area with some beautiful oceanfront homes:
Dolphin topiary

Some homes that I initially thought looked like a restaurant

Normal looking house with crazy hedges

Pretty house

with fancy dolphin statue
We asked my brother to take a picture of us with the Pacific Ocean. This is the first he took. We asked him how it looked, he replied,
"That's decent." Nooooooo, Heather and I completely disagreed! I look like a freak! So we made him take another....

Much better

Yay! Good to see Heather!


Heather said...

Such fun times! Maybe I will be joining you in Irvine again soon ;)

Anonymous said...

It's fun to read your blog, Melissa! You have such an uncanny way of writing. Enjoyable to read!