Monday, June 04, 2007

Our baby Zinnia

As mentioned long ago in a previous post, each plan of the houses in our community had a flowery name. We purchased a Plan 2 which was called Zinnia. Dave and I had no clue what a Zinnia was, but we wanted to plant some in front of the house since it seemed fitting.

A while back, we were walking around Del Mar and recognized a plant with similar leaves as the our Zinnia plants, which had bloomed but yet to flower. Here are the plants we saw, and I assumed our Zinnias would look something like this:

This past week, our first Zinnia flowered. It took a while for it to come out, but finally, here it is, and so much prettier than those flowers above!

Our Zinnia house (note the latest addition - satellite. We finally got TV!)
Some marigolds I planted in the front for a splash of color (they were in full bloom a couple weeks ago, sorry I took the pics today). I'd like to plant more later on.
I also have some snap pea vine-y plants growing on the balcony that are flowering quite a bit.

Ooooh, and we planted a wisteria also! I'll take a pic another time... all the flowers have died and fallen off by now. It's a cool plant that we're going to train to wind and weave around a trellis. Should be very pretty someday...

1 comment:

Heather said...

I love that you're gardening. I dont know much about flowers, since i never really had them in my garden, however I know quite a bit about vegetables and herbs. In my SI apt, I only had an area about 15 feet long and maybe 2 feet wide to work with and I really managed to make the most of it. Maybe when I move there, I can help you plant.
Good job on the pretty flowers