Dave came over from San Diego on 7.28.06 in order to go to the wedding of my best friend from high school. Poor guy. He took a red-eye flight, got stuck in the middle seat of a FULL flight, and didn't get a wink of sleep. He came into NYC at 5:30am, and arrived in my teeny tiny dorm room at 7am. Slept a couple hours before getting whisked off by me to head over to CT. We got to West Hartford about an hour before we had to leave for rehearsal. Hurried up and got dressed and check this out, he still looks good:

So, Irene Oi-ling Wong is finally getting hitched! Here's one of the last pictures of me and my best buds from high school: Sureka Malempati (nee Bollepalli), Irene when she was still the Wonger, and me. This was taken during rehearsal at Wickham Park the night before the wedding and it was POURING outside!!!!

Pictures from the following morning (7.29.06 Wedding Day!!!) as we get ready in Irene's hotel room:

I take back my previous comment. THIS is the last picture of us with Irene Oi-ling Wong...

and then off we go to Wickham Park! (South Windsor, CT)
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