However, after college, I realized my shoulder was shot. I had problems with my rotator cuff that even now bothers me if I attempt to hit/serve a volleyball. :( So I picked up Ultimate again. It's now my obsession (although I've determined my rotator cuff will never let me master a hammer).... I've played in the Philly PADA league one summer, in every possible WAFC league in DC for the year I was there (That was nuts, as I would be playing games 5 days a week. My brother complained that I wouldn't let him do any DC activities. Heh.). When I moved to New York, I found a local pick-up game walking Coco on my first full day in the City. Talk about fate... I've been playing in the Dustbowl ever since (6 years!)....

(The Dustbowl is actually the big round dirt patch next to the marker. The big building to the right is one of the buildings of Mount Sinai called Annenberg. I work in the building on the NE corner of Madison and 98th Street and live across the street. This pick-up game was meant for me. My commute is 1 minute!)
I've been very involved in the AL-NYCPUL summer league since it's inception. Out of 4 years so far, I've managed to be on winning teams 3 times! Sweet!
2002 NYCPUL Champs!(Nomads)

front row: caroline, kit, me, megan, tc
back row: rich, evin, steve, rocky, john, josh, scott, doug, jacques
2003 NYCPUL Champs! (Team Black)

front row: patrick, nnenna, me, kit, jason, josh
back row: josh, brant, billy, shah, LT, hunt, dutch
(No picture from my 2004 team, Iris. We didn't win, but we were great at heckling and eating!)
Last year was a blast, as I got to co-captain with one of my favorite players, Hunt, and we had drafted a ridiculously stacked team. It was beautiful watching this team flow. Here's a team pic after winning the whole thing:
2005 AL-NYCPUL Champs! (Team White)

front row: brendan, paul, malcolm, bob, denis
back row: fitz, lev, josh, me, megan, perry, casey, mark, amos
and we're missing hunt!!!
Nedra, Eric, Hunt, and Me-- When I grow up, I want to be like Hunt. He's in his 40s with 2 teenage kids, but still one of the hardest playing, most skilled players out on the field... and still fast!

This year, I am co-captaining with Nnenna, my most favorite piano-playing ultimate player! (see below) Our team looks very strong. Playoffs are 2 weeks away so we will find out then if it's a repeat!!!
Here are some pictures from this year so far. I hope to get some better ones during playoffs.
Icy Pops!
Me, Aru, and Brant enjoying some icy pops during our bye in the shadow of Annenberg... this was a ritual. Icy pops if there was a bye between games. Yum!

Me and Nnenna = co-captains of Team Grey for NYCPUL 2006
Nnenna is just too cool. She's a professional pianist!

Team gathering on August 19th. Notice, Ben being Ben.

Me + Dai + sparkly skirts!
Dai is 19 years old. 19!!! And already an awesome frisbee player... I do have to say, it makes me, the old lady, feel good when she tells me she wants to grow up and be like me. :) hee
I'm old and lazy, but it's nice that people still think I'm good (I used to be MUCH better, faster with better throws. Oh well.).

Catching a disc! (Uh, that girl in pink is 20 years old)

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