Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Random thoughts..

Sheesh, I'm just blogging because Heather's bored with my old post.

I'm so confused with Blogger and Blogger Beta. Why so many kinds? And why aren't I linked? It's annoying to have to log in to 2 different ones to do my blogging. Arg.

Ever heard of a sakerinha? Yum, caipirinha made with sake... pretty good!

My kitty likes to cozy up when it's a bit chilly:

Dave recently had a fishtank fiasco. So he's had to condense his tank. Here are the results... pretty, huh? The fish and coral look pretty happy...


Heather said...

how to move this fishtank to the new house should take up more thought than how to hang a flat screen tv. just my random thought.

mel said...

This is cake compared to moving a fishtank cross country in a moving truck.