Course map
Oftentimes, he goes to La Jolla Cove to do a half mile swim in the rough water. It's pretty intimidating with the water pushing to and fro, up and down, in the deep ocean (he's seen some pretty large creatures all the way DOWN there). Sometimes, the current is pretty strong, and the swimmer gets thrown off track. If you watch them, it looks like they swim in a zigzag since every so often they pop their head up and reorient themselves. AND they have to be careful that the current doesn't throw them into the rocks on the way back in. That happened to Dave once and he got a nasty gash on his foot. :( Personally, I'd be pretty frightened to do what he does, but then again, my swimming skills are just plain abysmal.
Below, Dave is in the bright red rash guard, so that I (or lifeguards) can easily keep track of him.