Monday, November 12, 2007
Owls in 4S Ranch!
We followed it to some of our neighbors' homes and found there were 2 of them, perched on different chimneys hooting at each other. We watched them "talk" and fly from one spot to another, until we decided we had to go home and get ready for bed.
I love the wildlife here!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Oldies are Goodies - Hi-Tec Adventure Race 1999
Kabuki Klowns was my bro's team. It had my brother Ben, his good lawyer friend Kristin and her husband Carlos. They were the "biking" team.
2 Studs and the Dave was my team with me, Dave, and my bro's marathon running friend Jenn. We were the "running" team. Jenn was supposed to ensure that we kept at a 9 minute mile during the running portion.
We also had a huge support/cheer group of my parents and some of my brother's really good college friends: Jeral, Sharon, and Audranne.

Kabuki Klowns minus Ben. Where did my brother go?

Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween!
Apparently, every year the company welcomes the Halloween spirit with costume contests, baking contests, and pumpkin carving contests. The Tech Service Department gets really into it, whereas the rest of the company doesn't have as much fun. Gee, I definitely found the right group for me!
Technical Services represent!
back row: Kevin, Caroline, Mike, Owen. front row: me, Marta, Solange. Not shown: Al and Virginia Kevin as a watermelon (the seeds were my idea)
Banana-mana Owen + Coco
Mike, a TAB enthusiast (apparently a reference to an episode of the Sarah Silverman show?)
Caroline as a witch. Don't cross her or else!
She's our manager, and this is the scariest picture they've ever gotten out of her ever! Me as a scarecrow. Those hay bales came in handy. :)
Marta as a Zookeeper with her monkey, Annica.
Our crazy internationals in town for Stratagene University:
Punk rock fairy Claudia from Belgium, Japanese Princess Fumiko, and Witch Bharti from the UK Yet another witch, Cinda... she takes care of all of us...
Costume contest and Bake off
Pumpkin carving contest. Apparently, it's usually a battle between TS and R&D for this contest, but neither group had the time this Halloween. Next year!
This was my first Halloween in ages (over 10 years?) passing out candy to kids. Awww, they were too cute! Driving home, I stopped by Costco to get my candy (yeah, yeah, I'm a slacker and saved it for last minute). As I was driving into my neighborhood, I saw my 8-year-old neighbor and his friend trick or treating. It was only 5pm! My neighbor recognized my car. I saw him point to it, and then he started RUNNING (with arms flapping and flailing) to my house. It was hilarious....
The rest of the evening were a parade of tiny little kids (most came up to my knee or thigh) who would knock on my door because they're too small to reach the doorbell. So cute....
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Unfortunately, the winds stripped many of our plants.
Poor naked grape vines
Another view of the hills. We drove up there and saw that the fires came REALLY close to the structures. We're so grateful that everything was spared.
Yet another view of the hills. We were really lucky. The fire swarmed the hillsides surrounding our community, but didn't come down to the homes. Supposedly, they got as close as 20 yards to some condos near us....
Rancho Bernardo was one of the regions that got hit HARD from the fires. This was the area that made the national news. Yep, the same place that Schwarzenegger and Bush visited.When the news channels listed addresses affected, I had recognized several of the street names and realized that this part of RB was only 2-3 miles northeast of our home.