Once upon a time, long long ago (back in 1999)... my brother organized 2 teams to compete in the Hi-Tec adventure race in Connecticut. This is a race comprised of teams of 3 with everyone competing together throughout the race. There are 4 main components: orienteering, 5-7 miles of trail-running, 10-15 mile mountain-biking, and 1-2 mile(s) kayaking in inflatable kayaks, with tons of team-oriented tests scattered throughout the race (such as climbing 12 foot walls, getting through "spiderwebs" without touching rope, doing puzzles blindfolded, and crawling through the mud).
My brother had an idea to design t-shirts. Everyone was responsible for getting caricatures done and to send them to me.
Front of the shirt:
Kabuki Klowns was my bro's team. It had my brother Ben, his good lawyer friend Kristin and her husband Carlos. They were the "biking" team.
2 Studs and the Dave was my team with me, Dave, and my bro's marathon running friend Jenn. We were the "running" team. Jenn was supposed to ensure that we kept at a 9 minute mile during the running portion.
We also had a huge support/cheer group of my parents and some of my brother's really good college friends: Jeral, Sharon, and Audranne.

They were running around, following us on the course and snapping pictures at every moment. It was so cool! Below are some oldies that Jeral found for me in his old files. He originally had this fanatastic website dedicated to the race. It was really awesome with everyone's bios and pictures, and whatnot. Unfortunately, the site went down several years ago. Stupid me always forgot to download the photos, so I recently harassed Jeral to look for them again. Here are a few that he's found:
Kabuki Klowns minus Ben. Where did my brother go?

Carlos running
Jenn running
Mud Stud biking (you'll understand the nickname later)
Dave biking
Ben biking or is he posing?? Ha ha...
One of the team tests were to climb a HUGE wall. I guess it was 12 feet? The tricky part was that you could only use ropes once one teammate makes it up the wall. 2 Studs and the Dave got really lucky. When we got to the wall, there were several other teams there, and they were really helpful. These guys saw us and just offered to help. I started climbing up Jenn and Dave, and the next thing I knew, I was flying up the wall!
The guys then pulled Jenn up.
Oops, the pictures are out of order. Here's me getting yanked up!
And then while Dave's getting pulled up, Jenn and I were checking out the surroundings. Jenn saw Jeral, whereas I was exclaiming at the next "test" that we were going to encounter.
Me shocked at seeing Jeral.
We were such hams. :)

Everyone commented on how Jenn's white spot was a lot bigger than everyone else's.
Check out the mud dripping from us!

Marine hurdles!

Running to the finish line!
2 Studs and the Dave finished!
We had a respectable finish, I believe. I can't really remember. I do think that we finished about 20 minutes before the Kabuki Klowns. But then again, they got totally screwed with the whole biking thing. They had planned to catch up to us then. They then got screwed with the high wall, because when they got there, there weren't any other teams around to help them out. I think at one point, my brother climbed up Carlos and then jumped for the top of the wall. But he didn't get a good grasp and ended falling to the ground! My dad saw it and kept saying, it was a good thing my mom was looking another way at that very moment. Or else she would have freaked.

Dave jumped right in, while the girls got used to being dirty. Aw, there goes the nice white pinnies!

But it was a great accomplishment that we all finished and had a fantastic time!
Dave's nickname for the race was MacGuyver. Apparently, my bike fell apart during the race, and Dave managed to use an innertube to tie the bike together enough so that it survived the rest of the biking portion.
If I get more digital pictures of the race, I'll post them up sometime.
Hmmm... I might have some pictures of Hi-Tec 2000 which Dave, my brother, and I formed a team and competed again. When/If I scan in those photos, I'll get them up sometime too.
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