Monday, May 14, 2007

Springtime New York

Well, since we were in New York for all of 50 hours... we decided to wander around and explore some of our favorite haunts...

This included going to Chinatown to eat some tasty Malaysian food at Penang. While there we noticed a new Egg Custard store that looked really tasty. Unfortunately, we didn't have ANY stomach space to spare, so I just took some pictures of the store since it looked so good.
Random Chinatown building
One of our MOST favorite things to do when New York is sunny, pretty, and temperate (before the nastiness of summer humidity hits) is to stroll around Central Park:

Reflecting/Sailboat Pool (I don't know the real name)
Tulips overtake the Park in Spring!

And I realized I never took a pic of the ubiquitous hot dog stands, so here's one in front of the Met: Pretty tree
Pretty tree + NYFD
The towers on the UWS seen from the Great Lawn.

More tulips!
Cool purple tree
Bill Walton working out in the Park. This is the second time we've seen him here!
Random Turkish restaurant in Midtown. Quite yummy!

That's all for now...

1 comment:

KirkK said...

Hi Melissa - I'm glad you got your Malaysian/Indonesian food fix in NY. Since you know what it's like here in San Diego!