On May 19th, Sureka and Sri came a'visitin'!
But the bigger news first, SUREKA'S PREGNANT!!!!!! She's due in October.
Aw, can't you tell.... she's got the glow! And a cute little pooch.

They came and stayed with us for the weekend, and then spent a few extra days bonding with the Bollepalli clan. Pretty cool to have a family reunion in San Diego. We took them out eating a LOT and also to kayak in La Jolla which was an, uh, adventurous trip. The water was fairly choppy with some big waves. Dave managed to help Sri and Sureka get their kayak out into the ocean with no mishaps. On the other hand, we ran into a wee bit of trouble. The waves were fairly large and kept coming in as we were trying to paddle out. Needless to say, we got flipped 3 times and got WET. Once out into the ocean, it was fine. The highlight was finding a large family of seals hanging out along the cliffs of La Jolla. Sureka and Sri were thrilled to see them, so that was definitely a fruitful trip. I took some pictures with a waterproof camera, but need to develop the film. I'll post the pictures whenever I get them.... The way back in was interesting. I was very wary of going back in because we once went out before and got wiped out in our attempts to ride the waves in. Since the waves were huge today, Dave and I had no idea on how to solve this problem. Anyways, long story short, everyone got flipped, including the pregnant friend, but we all got a good laugh out of it.
Relaxing/Recuperating on the couch - Cute!

My long long long time friend and me...

It was really great having them visit. I realized that Sri is a really good guy and I'm glad that he's taking good care of my friend Sureka. I'm so happy for them. They are going to be a great Mommy and Daddy!
We've convinced them that whenever Sureka's done with her fellowship in Cincinnati that they HAVE to move out and join us here. There was whole-hearted agreement all around.... In fact, there are tons of new constructions going up around us. They can be our neighbors!
NEW TALLY of visitors:
College - 4
NYC - 1
High School - 2
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