Thursday, May 03, 2007

Where the Wild Things Are... and Risa!

Today I had a very special visitor, Risa. A good friend from high school who I haven't seen in 12... that's right, TWELVE... years! We last saw each other when I visited her at Wellesley during our freshman year. Crazy. Risa is finishing up a difficult program in rabbinical studies after a grueling 5 years and will soon become a Rabbi and a force in the Potomac community!
But stupid me forgot to get a picture of the two of us. Sheesh, I'm such a dumba** at times, huh?
We spent the day chatting and chatting and catching up on everything's that happened in our adult lives. It was very strange to be talking about husbands, jobs, and families, when the last time we talked was about college, boys, and the wonders of living away from our parents. Bizarr-o!
While we chatted, we also walked all around the San Diego Zoo and saw some creatures:
Panda in the tree
(Mei Sheng, the 3.5year old male. Su Lin, the baby, was not on display today)
Climbing down the tree
Risa showing us that her neck is pretty long, too

I don't remember what this little guy is, but he was cute climbing in and out of the food bin
These are for Heather:
Camel with a HUGE glob of spit hanging from his mouth

Other camel yawning

Peacock on the street!

Luxurious tail

Risa tried to get close

Dave and I took Risa to eat at an awesome Japanese place in La Jolla called Tadashi Sushi. But while walking on the streets, we noticed a mama duck with 12 ducklings trailing her on the sidewalk. It was so cute!
Hiding from the humans....
Can you find the ducks?

It was so great to see Risa! Too bad she is leaving LA soon... :( But nice to know that good friends will always remain good friends, even with long gaps between conversations.

College - 4
NYC - 1
High School - 1

I'm looking forward to jacking up my numbers some more. Sureka's coming into town in a few weeks!

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